Testo Dough
1,2 kg krompirja 1,2 kg potatoes
170 g gladke moke 170 g plain flour
170 g ostre moke 170 g strong flour
3 jajca 3 eggs
1/2 čajne žličke soli 1/2 tsp salt
Nadev Stuffing
12 sliv 12 plums
12 čajnih žličk kristalnega sladkorja 12 tsp granulated sugar
Preliv Topping
200 g masla 200 g butter
150g krušnih drobtin 150 g breadcrumbs
sladkor sugar
cimet cinnamon
Wash, peel and cut (in four pieces) the potatoes.
Put them in pot, pour over water,
so it covers the potatoes. Boil them for 25 min until they are soften.
Boiled potatoes drain and leave them to slightly cool.
Operi, olupi in razreži krompir na štiri koščke. Daj jih v kozico, dolijemo toliko vode,
da prekrije krompir. Ko zavrejo voda, pusti kuhati krompir vsaj 25min oz. dokler niso mehki.
Odcedi odvečno vodo in jih pusti, da se malo ohladijo.
Wash plums, remove the pits and cut them in half.
Operi slive, odstrani koščice in jih razreži na polovice.
Add flour, salt and one by one egg into still warm potatoes.
Knead the dough with your hands.
Še toplim krompirjem dodaj moko, sol in vsako jajce posebej. Vmesi z rokami testo.
The dough must be used immediately, otherwise it becomes wet and difficult to form.
Testo mora biti porabljeno takoj, saj drugače postane mokro in težko za oblikovati.
On a floured work surface roll with hands the dough in long "sausage".
Cut in 12 (the same size) pieces. Flatten every piece and add one plum
with one teaspoon sugar in the middle. The dough is folded over the plum.
The edges are tightly pressed on the top.
Na pomokani delovni površini z rokami zvaljamo testo v dolgo "klobasico",
Narežemo na 12 enakih delov. Vsak košček posebej zravnamo, dodamo slive in žličko
sladkorja. Testo zapremo prek sliv na vrhu.
Fill with water one larger pot. Add one tablespoon salt. Bring the water to boiling point.
Slowly and carefully add the dumplings into the water. Boil them for 10 to 15 min or
until they float on the top of water.
Cooked dumplings remove and drain well.
V večjo kozico dodamo vodo z žličko soli. V zavreto vodo dodamo cmoke, ki jih kuhamo
10-15 min oz. dokler cmoki ne priplavajo do vrha.
Skuhane cmoke vzamemoiz vode in jih osušimo.
In frying pan dissolve butter and on small heat fry the breadcrumbs until golden brown.
Add the cooked dumpling and turning them over so they are evenly covered in crumbs.
Add to plate and sprinkle the dumplings with sugar and cinnamon.
V kozici raztopimo maslo, dodamo krušne drobtine, ki jih popečemo do zlatorjave barve.
Dodamo cmoke, ki jih popečemo na vsaki strani, tako da so prekriti z drobtinami.
Damo na krožnik, po vrhu dodamo sladkor in cimet.
Bon appetit!
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